Water Filtration Systems, What Are They and Why Are They Important For Your Home and Business

It is a common misconception that water filtration systems are unnecessary for homes or businesses. In reality, it is essential to have a reliable water filtration system because the tap water from your sink may be contaminated with pollutants and bacteria. The best way to protect your family and employees from these harmful contaminants is by filtering the water as […]

May 17, 2011 – Irvine Scene’s Spring Gardening Episode

Be sure to catch Irvine Scene’s “Spring Gardening” episode airing on ICTV channel 30 in Irvine. It is also available on their website at this direct link:  http://www.cityofirvine.org/cityhall/citymanager/pio/ictv/irvine_scene.asp The video buffering on the website is a little bumpy but the sound should come through okay. This episode features UCCE Master Gardener volunteers demonstrating container planting, touring the Great Park Food […]

May 27, 2011 – UC Davis Arboretum All Stars

This article from the Sacramento Bee sums up the UC Davis Arboretum All Stars program nicely. Read on about the criteria that is used in selecting the top 100 plants for California landscapes which use less water and require less maintenance. The inserted photos are just a few of the species being evaluated by UCCE Master Gardeners here in Orange […]

It’s Fall………

You probably think this post is going to be about the leaves turning, or that you should plant spring flowering bulbs and native plant selections, but you would be wrong. I want to remind everyone to adjust your irrigation controller, or turn it off altogether for the next few months. Think of the savings on your water bill! The rain […]