How much water should you drink?

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration How much water should you drink a day? You probably know that it’s important to drink plenty of fluids when the temperatures soar outside. But staying hydrated is a daily necessity, no matter what the thermometer says. Unfortunately, many of us aren’t getting enough to drink, especially older adults. “Older […]

Information on Earth’s Water

Distribution of the Earth’s water Earth is known as the “Blue Planet” because 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Water also exists below land surface and as water vapor in the air. Water is a finite source. The bottled water that is consumed today might possibly be the same water that once trickled down the back of […]


Drinking purified water does a lot more than quench your thirst…it keeps your body in great working order.  There are many benefits to drinking clean, freshwater, and here are some of the best ones to keep in mind: 1. Drinking Water Keeps You Young: Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin moisturized and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. […]

Clean water is life, health, food, leisure, energy…

Water covers more than 70 % of Earth’s surface. It was in water that life on Earth started, so it is not surprising that all living things on our blue planet need water. Water is in fact many things: it is a vital need, a home, a local and global resource, a transport corridor and a climate regulator. And, over […]


Water purification method is needed to remove germs, bacteria, lead, mercury and pollutants from water. These contaminants can be removed through various techniques used to purify drinking water. So to ensure that water is cleaned properly, you need to invest in a water purifier plant. The system helps to remove impurities that may enter drinking water. Here are some of the top […]

Benefits of Water Conservation

Why We Should Care About Saving Water Since 71% of the earth is covered in water, some people can’t help but wonder: Why should we conserve? Here are a few important facts about water on this planet from the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation: Ninety-seven percent of all water on the earth is salt water, which is not […]

Easy Things You Can Do To Protect Drinking Water Sources

Put up signs Post signs along the border of your source water protection area to notify people that any pollution in that area can affect the quality of local drinking water. Use and dispose of harmful materials properly Don’t dump hazardous waste on the ground. It can contaminate the soil, which could also contaminate the groundwater or nearby surface water. […]

How Can We All Help Conserve Nature?

ABSTRACT When we speak about conserving nature, we are really talking about taking care of our future, because nature provides essential resources for our survival and enjoyment. We asked an international group of scientists working on different environmental issues worldwide to identify important practical actions that we can all do to help conserve nature. We obtained nearly 100 responses and […]

Water Conservation Tips for Residents

For Every Room in the House With Plumbing Repair leaky faucets, indoors and out. Consider replacing old equipment (like toilets, dishwahers and laundry machines). In the Kitchen When cooking, peel and clean vegetables in a large bowl of water instead of under running water. Fill your sink or basin when washing and rinsing dishes. Only run the dishwasher when it’s […]